Range Finder

Choose the Best Option from Blue Tees Rangefinder Collection

Some of the greatest laser rangefinder items on the market right now are made by Blue Tees, a reputable company. golfers from across the globe Two great options, the S2 Pro and S3 Max from Blue Tees Rangefinder Collection. To choose which of the characteristics below best suits your requirements, compare and contrast them.

S3 Max Golf Laser Rangefinder

The S3 Max Golf is a fantastic tool for any golfer, with state-of-the-art technology, inventive design, premium components, and a tough, weather-resistant chassis.

Magnetic strips, high-definition (HD) displays, active slope switch innovation, auto-ambient breakthroughs, flag locks, and pulse vibration can all be yours for a fraction of the cost of competing systems.

  • Slope: The state-of-the-art Slope advancement makes picking the perfect club simple. The Distance variable is calculated based on the True Distance’s slope and tilt.
  • Water resistance: This device is very water resistant, giving you total security in bad weather so you may play anywhere.
  • Flag Lock and Pulse Vibration: Before firing, the S3 Max transmits a few buzzing impulses to let you know it has latched onto your target.
  • 900-Yard Range: The rangefinder may allow you to estimate distances with laser precision on the Tour, giving you an advantage over competitors. 
  • Accuracy: With an accuracy of +/- 1 yard, players can measure things up to 900 yards away.

Warranty: The two-year manufacturer’s warranty covers any issues.

S2 Pro Slope Golf Laser Rangefinder

Modern slope technology is used in the Blue Tees S2 Pro Slope. Users may easily adjust the dimensions, and choosing a club is made simple. The user-friendly Series 2 Pro combines accurate measurements, cutting-edge technology, and mobility. All levels of golfers may benefit from using these state-of-the-art rangefinders. It may be precisely what you require to further develop your abilities.

  • Slope: Finding the ideal set of clubs is made easier by modern Slope technology.
  • Distance: To compute the Distance parameter, the True Distance’s climb and descent are employed.
  • 800-Yard Range: The rangefinder gives you a competitive advantage by allowing you to calculate distance with laser precision. You can measure objects up to 800 yards distant with an accuracy of up to +/- 1 yard.
  • HD Display: Thanks to the EZ Optic Focus, the HD experience can be customized to the user’s preferences, giving patrons a greater view of the course.
  • Flag Lock and Pulse Vibration: When it has locked onto your target, the Series 2 rangefinder will pulse momentarily to let you know, which will help you get ready to aim.
  • Water Resistance: With this rangefinder’s high degree of water resistance, you may play with confidence even during a rainstorm.
  • Warranty: The two-year manufacturer’s warranty covers any issues.

To choose which of the two Blue Tees golf simulators from the Blue Tees Rangefinder Collection best suits your requirements, compare their features.

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