Golf Simulators, Launch Monitors

Swing Caddie SC300i Portable Golf Launch Monitor

One of the most efficient and feature-rich launch monitors on the market is the Swing Caddie SC300i by Voice Caddie. It offers everything that golfers across experience levels need to make marked improvements to their game.

SC300i shows Launch Angle and Apex in addition to all the capabilities SC200 provides to users. These include Voice Output, Loft Angle Adjustment, Remote Control, and Barometric Pressure Calibration. They also get instantaneous visual input on parameters such as Total Distance, Carry Distance,  Swing Speed, Ball Speed, and Smash Factor. In addition, users can get direct measurements for Ball Speed, Launch Angle, and Club Speed.

The launch monitor has a convenient Practice Mode that lets users capture swing videos and create overlays with shot data. Swing Caddie SC300i must be positioned immediately behind the ball, 60″ away (5 feet). Have at least 6 1/2 feet between the ball and the net for indoor use.

Through a direct Bluetooth connection, the SC300i allows you to monitor your real-time, integrated data using a convenient and free mobile application on both Android and iOS devices. It is possible for multiple players to use the same SC300i launch monitor by Voice Caddie. To capture images of the user who is now plugged in, you must connect each user’s mobile application to the SC300i one at a time. The driver application of this monitor helps players get instant access to their Spin Rate data.

In addition, they can fetch in-depth ball and swing details, which is characteristic of some of the most popular launch monitors on the planet. The SC300i offers unmatched precision by calibrating atmospheric pressure sensors and utilising the most recent Doppler radar technology.

Swing Caddie SC300i Features:

  • Swing Caddie automatically synchronises itself using an in-built barometric pressure sensor to help players get the most accurate readings available.
  • By relying on Bluetooth and a no-cost app golfers are able to monitor their data in real-time with the Swing Caddie SC300i. All you need is to connect your iOS or Android smart device to the launch monitor to get full functionality. 
  • The SC300i’s innovative Voice Distance Output function instantly notifies you of your lengths after each shot, enabling you to calibrate more efficiently in between rounds. 
  • You can connect a smart device to the SC300i first using the My Swing Caddie app so that you may hear speech output through your headphones. Using Bluetooth settings will let users connect their headphones to their tablet or smartphone. When synced, earphones can be utilized to hear distance readings. 
  • Loft Angle Adjustment is a convenient Swing Caddie that gives you the option to change the loft angle for each club to get the most precise readings.


  • Swing Caddie monitors keep track of your statistics for all clubs. It is quite possible to review parameters like your average total distance, swing speed, ball speed, apex angle, smash factor, and launch angle, along with the most recent shot metrics.

Go through the information given above to get an idea about what to expect from the SC300i launch monitor.

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