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Fiberbuilt FlightDeck Practice Station Golf Mat

Fiberbuilt FlightDeck Practice Station Golf Mat

US$ 499.00

The fiber-built flight deck practice station golf mat is a high-quality and durable golf mat that is designed to offer golfers an exceptional practice experience. The practice station mat offers performance and feel that mimics natural turf and enables golfers to improve their performance. The key feature is the build, as it offers a proprietary glass surface and utilizes synthetic grass fibers. These are designed to offer the perfect combination of stability, cushioning, and realistic feedback. They absorb the impact while reducing the risk of strain or injury. This makes it an ideal choice for practice sessions. 

The mat is built to last, as it is made with robust materials that promise long-lasting performance. The materials are of high-quality and can also be used regularly. This durability allows golfers to practice in style, knowing that the mat can withstand shots while offering feedback. Another notable feature of the practice station golf mat is the versatility it offers. The mat features a stance alignment guide, helping golfers maintain the right alignment and ball position during practice sessions. In addition to this, the practice station mat is designed efficiently to ensure that it is compatible with the golf accessories. 

This allows golfers to integrate technology while tailoring their practice experience to their needs. Moreover, the practice station is portable and extremely easy to set up. The mat can be used both indoors and outdoors, which makes it ideal for practice in varied environments. The compact size and design enable golfers to practice whenever and wherever they choose. It is thus a preferred choice for golfers looking for a high-quality practice surface and allows golfers to take their game to new heights.

Product Details

  • Fiber-built grass surface 
  • Cushioned impact absorption 
  • Constructed with durable materials 
  • Resistant to weather
  • Easy to maintain 

Product Features

  • Guarantees 300,000 shots 
  • Made of genuine fiber-built grass 
  • Can be easily used for any type of club
  • Made from recycled materials 
  • Launch monitor-tested that feels and performs like fairway grass 

Product Video